Thông báo chương trình Diễn đàn quốc tế thuộc khối kinh tế tại Brunei

Greetings from the ASEAN University Network (AUN) !

We are pleased to share with you that Universiti Brunei Darussalam School of Business and Economics will organise "2015 Universiti Brunei Darussalam School of Business and Economics ASEAN University Network for Business and Economics Colloquium"  under the theme  ‘Fostering Research Exchange and Excellence’ on 22-23 September 2015 at UBD. 

The colloquium is open to graduate students at different stages of their research projects or programmes. You will have the opportunity to present your research proposals, progress, and research findings at the colloquium, and gain valuable feedback and advice from experienced researchers in the field and from fellow students. Graduate students who wish to attend but not present are also more than welcome to join the colloquium. 

The colloquium is being held in conjunction with UBD’s 30th Anniversary and is part of our School’s initiative to promote and stimulate the research culture among graduate students in the region, and strengthen the networking of institutions, experts and academic communities, through collaboration AUN-BE. 

The main objective of the colloquium is to create an excellent platform for graduate students to meet and interact, exchange ideas, discuss their research topics with other students from around the region and the world, and to learn from each other’s experiences.  

In this regard, please kindly disseminate this information to your relevant departments and potential graduates. We highly encourage your participation.

Attached herewith, please find additional information and flyer for your kind perusual.

Thank you.